
version的意思是版本、译本和说法,作为名词使用,具体分析如下:version英 [ˈvɜ:ʃn] 美 [ˈvɜ:rʒn] n.版本;译文,译本;说法;倒转术相关短语:

1、the written version 成文本3、the stage version 戏剧(剧本)扩展资料相关例句:1、The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world.

2、This shirt is a cheaper version of the one I saw in that shop.这件衬衫同我在那家商店里见到的几乎一样,但它是便宜货。

各执一词。4、The song have a syncopate rhythm in the Jazz version. 这首歌曲改编为爵士乐后采用了切分音节奏。

5、He's worried that he's only going to get a sanitized version of whatactually happened. 他担心事情传到自己耳朵时,已经是净化过的版本。

6、He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother. 他看上去就像是他那个英俊儒雅的哥哥的迷你版。
